Wednesday, 24 April 2013

How to switch Ubuntu, from GUI to text mode?

transforming from GUI to text mode is really simple process:

                              Press ‘Ctrl + Alt + F1′ - GUI to text mode

                              Press 'Alt +F7'             -  back to GUI

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Turn off guest session in Ubuntu 12.04

  • open terminal
  • enter following command  
                                     gksu gedit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

  •  add    allow-guest=false to lightdm.conf file
  • then restart lightdm using command                                                                                                                     

                                      sudo restart lightdm

    Thank You 

Simple way to get 'IP add.' of a website

ping it

    STEP 1: open terminal  or cmd (windows)

    STEP 2: enter this command "ping" , replace example
                  with domain name of website

Download videos from 'YouTube' easily in different formats(FLV, MP4, WebM, & 3GP)

Today  we are unveiling a new trick, which makes YouTube video downloading really easy(without software):

Let this be URL of  video which you are looking for :

STEP 1: add "ss" to URL which you need to download, so in this case:
              this will redirect to     

STEP 2: select format, download and enjoy.......

Thank You - keep on track for new tricks & tips.                                                                                                  

Saturday, 20 April 2013

20+ simple cpp programs for beginners


1. my first cpp program
2. adding two numbers
3. find larger among two numbers - if..else
4. numbers entered are
5. prefix operator
6. find larger of three - nested if
7. print 1 to 5 - for loop
8. multiplication table
9. finding big number - conditional operator
10. finding day - switch
11. total passed or failed
12. print even numbers below 5o
13. sum of natural numbers below 100
14. array displaying entered number
15. search for an item in array
16. binary search
17. count characters of a string
18. love calculator version 1.1
19. insertion unsorted array
20. insertion sorted array
21. matrix addition
22. printing pattern
                           Download Here